I havent done much sewing. I am working on my quilt for GD who chose the fabric herself. It is Guttermann fabric. The block is a disappearing hour glass. I saw it on youtube with the missouri quilt company’s Jenny.
I like the block, but it needs very careful stitching and cutting, or things go haywire. I have already two blocks that wont belong, as I cut them wrong.
Ah well, they will be good for a pillow or something.
14th Feb.
I didnt quite finish did I?
I kept going with GD’s quilt, and she loves it.
I have a couple of little bags made as gifts. Cant find the pics, so I am off to see what happened to them…….technology gets to me sometimes.
The weather is once more better for walking in my favourite place, the park. The first day there was still a skim of ice on the lake and the birds were ‘walking on thin ice’
Bye for now.